{{ dates[0].slots_on_date[0].multi_capacity ? 'Register For A Training Session' : 'Request A Callback' }}
No booking slots currently available, please check back soon.
Please select your preferred date and time to schedule a callback with the team. Once you have made your booking, we will be in touch via email to confirm.
{{ dates.length && dates[0].slots_on_date[0].multi_capacity ? 'Available sessions' : 'Step 1. Select a date' }}
{{ slots_on_date[0].slot_month_year }}
{{ date.slot_date }}
You are booking:
{{ available_slots[0].session_title }}
{{ chosen_date + (chosen_slot_time ? ' at ' + chosen_slot_time : '') }}
{{ chosen_date + ' at ' + available_slots[0].start_at }}