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Waltham Forest SENDIASS is a free and impartial service provided by Citizens Advice Waltham Forest. Information contained in the support finder does not represent a recommendation or endorsement of a Service or Provider. Anyone seeking to use any of the services listed should carry out their own checks regarding the suitability of the goods or services.

Waltham Forest SENDIASS is committed to the highest standard of quality of information and every attempt has been made to present up to date and accurate information. However, Waltham Forest SENDIASS gives no warranty as to the accuracy of the information on this website and accepts no liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on such information. 

Although Waltham Forest SENDIASS takes all reasonable measures to ensure that the information provided to it from third parties is accurate and not defamatory or offensive, Waltham Forest SENDIASS cannot control the content or take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers. Waltham Forest SENDIASS reserve the right to edit any work sent in for submission to the website, and cannot guarantee publication.