Self referral and Consent form
Self referral and consent form
SENDIASS is a self-referral service for families and we require the child/young person or the parent/carer to complete the following form.
If you are a parent / carer of a child or young person with SEND or a young person between 16 – 25 years old and would like to contact Waltham Forest IASS directly for advice and information please use the form below to do so.
Please ensure that you have read and understood the Waltham Forest SEND IASS impartiality and confidentiality policies before submitting this form.
If you are a practitioner, you may wish to support a young person/parent to complete this form or alternatively, contact us for general information and advice by phone or email. Alternatively if you are supporting a parent, carer or young person, please ask and support the family to complete our referral and consent form. We are unable to discuss their situation with you until we have had direct contact and written consent from them first.
You can either fill the auto referral form here, which comes directly into our email inbox or if you would prefer, you can download a electronic copy and email it to us or alternatively print off the form and send it in to us.
Instructions prior to submitting referral and consent forms:
IASS are statutory services offering free information, advice and support to parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) from birth to age 25. Young people aged 16+ with SEN are very welcome to also contact the service.
The referral form attached below can be completed by a:
child/young person’s parent/carer (the person who has parental responsibility)
young person aged between 16 and 25 years
Both the consent and referral form must be submitted together to process your referral.
Form Submission: Please complete all sections of the forms and return to:
By Post to:
Waltham Forest SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS)
Waltham Forest Resource Centre
1 Russell Road
E10 7ES
By Email: [email protected]
By hand delivered: Please hand into the office reception at the postal address above.
Referral and consent form: