Health and Social Care
Many children and young people with special educational needs (“SEN”) and disabilities will also require support from the health service and social care. If the child or young person has an education, health and care (“EHC”) plan, this may cover their health needs relating to their SEN and social care needs relating to their SEN or to a disability.
The SEND Code of Practice 2015 says:
Section 25 of the Children and Families Act 2014 places a duty on local authorities to integrate education, health and social care provision where this would promote wellbeing and improve the quality of provision for disabled young people and those with SEN.
The Care Act 2014 requires local authorities to work across children's and adult's services so that young adults are not left without care and support as they move into adulthood.
Health Care
This section provides useful information if you have concerns about your child’s or young person’s health, wellbeing and development, such as what services and therapies you can access through the NHS and other specialist services.
The SEND Code of Practice 2015 says:
Key Definitions:
NHS Continuing Healthcare
This means a package of ongoing care that is arranged and funded solely by the National Health Service (NHS) where the individual has been assessed and found to have a ‘primary health need’ as set out in this National Framework. Such care is provided to an individual aged 18 or over, to meet health and associated social care needs that have arisen as a result of disability, accident or illness. The actual services provided as part of the package should be seen in the wider context of best practice and service development for each client group. Eligibility for NHS Continuing Healthcare is not determined by the setting in which the package of support can be offered or by the type of service delivery.
NHS-funded Nursing Care
This is the funding provided by the NHS to care homes with nursing to support the provision of nursing care by a registered nurse. Since 2007 NHS-funded Nursing Care has been based on a single band rate. In all cases individuals should be considered for eligibility for NHS Continuing Healthcare before a decision is reached about the need for NHS-funded Nursing Care.
Primary Health Need
This concept was developed by the Secretary of State for Health to assist in deciding when an individual’s primary need is for healthcare (which it is appropriate for the NHS to provide under the 2006 Act) rather than social care (which the local authority may provide under the Care Act 2014). To determine whether an individual has a primary health need, there is an assessment process, which is detailed in this National Framework. Where an individual has a primary health need and is therefore eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare, the NHS is responsible for providing for all of that individual’s assessed health and associated social care needs, including accommodation, if that is part of the overall need.
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
This is intended to include any person or body authorised by the CCG to exercise any of its functions on its behalf in relation to NHS Continuing Healthcare. Where a CCG delegates such functions it continues to have statutory responsibility and must therefore have suitable governance arrangements in place to satisfy itself that these functions are being discharged in accordance with relevant standing rules and guidance, including the National Framework. The CCG cannot delegate its final decision-making function in relation to eligibility decisions, and remains legally responsible for all eligibility decisions made (in accordance with Standing Rules).
The Waltham Forest Local Offer is where to go for information about health services and provision for children and young people with SEN or disabilities including:
- Services to support children and young people with medical conditions in education
- Speech and language, occupational therapy and physiotherapy, and services relating to mental health
- Wheelchair services and community equipment, children’s community nursing, continence services
- Palliative, respite and continuing care for children with complex health needs
- Support for young people when moving between children to adult healthcare services
Social Care
This section is about children and adult services available to support you. Children services and Adult Social Care services has a duty to assess and provide support to those in ‘need’. The support is for children, adults and families. They work in partnership with a range of services including health; education; housing; voluntary and independent organisations.
The SEND Code of Practice 2015 says:
The Waltham Forest Local Offer is the place to find information about Social Care Services and provision for children and young people with SEN or disabilities, including:
- Childcare
- Leisure activities & short breaks
- Moving from child to adult services
- Living independently, and finding accommodation
- Help finding work
Personal Budgets
Finding help when you or your child has SEN (Special Educational Needs) can be challenging. Having a personal budget can give you the support you need to receive the care you deserve.
A Personal Budget for SEN is money identified to pay for support specified in an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan) for a child or young person with special educational needs. It can include funds from the local authority for education and social care and from the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) for health.
Types of Personal Budgets
1. An EHC Personal Budget
An EHC personal budget is an amount of money that is allocated to your family from the local authority to cover the cost of making a special educational provision specified in the EHC plan (Education Health and Care Plan).
Read more about EHC Personal Budgets in KIDS information booklet here.
2. Social Care Personal Budget
A social care personal budget allows you to receive any social care and support you may need. Your local authority decides if you are eligible for a social care personal budget to help with any social care and support you may need. This is determined through a needs assessment.
Read more about Social Care Personal Budgets in KIDS information booklet here.
3. Personal Health Budget
A personal health budget is an amount of money given to you to support your health needs, which is planned and agreed between the recipient or their representative and the local CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group). The personal health budget is not new money, but it may mean spending money differently so that you can get the care you need.
Read more about Personal Health Budgets in KIDS information booklet here.
4. Carer’s Well-being Personal Budget
Not to be confused with a carer’s allowance. A carer’s personal budget (also known as a carer direct payment) is a sum of money paid by your local authority’s Adult social care department. The money is to help carer’s pay for things which will help them in their caring role.
Read more about Carer's well-being personal budgets in KIDS information booklet here.
Read our factsheet on Personal Budgets for Special Educational Needs.
For more information, you can also read Waltham Forest's SEN Personal Budgets Statement.