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Finding out about support near you

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Finding out about support near you

You can find out what support there is near you by looking at the Local Offer.



This is the name of a web page or written information, like a leaflet. It is written by your local authority, which might be called ‘the council’.


The Local Offer is for:

  • Disabled children and young people
  • Children and young people with special educational needs. Special educational needs are when you need extra help to learn things.
  • Families of those children and young people

The Local Offer must give you information about the support that you should be able to get in your area.


The Local Offer must have information about:

  • Schools, colleges or training
  • Special health support
  • Hobbies or fun activities
  • Support for becoming an adult
  • Transport


You can help make the Local Offer better

The local authority must ask you what it should put in the Local Offer. You can tell your local authority what you think about it. They must show everyone what people have said and explain how they are going to make it better.

Your Local Offer is on your local authority website. If you cannot get on the website then they should give you written information, like a leaflet


The Local Offer website

Information, Advice and Support Services can help you to find your Local Offer. They can also help you to tell your local authority what you think about your Local Offer.You can access the local offer wesbite by clicking the link here.